Bopomofo (ㄅㄆㄇㄈ), also called Zhuyin (注音), occasionally Zhuyin Fuhao (注音符號). More commonly used in Taiwanese Mandarin.
1 ㄅ | 2 ㄉ | 3 ˇ | 4 ˋ | 5 ㄓ | 6 ˊ | 7 ˙ | 8 ㄚ | 9 ㄞ | 0 ㄢ | - ㄦ | ||||
Q ㄆ | W ㄊ | E ㄍ | R ㄐ | T ㄔ | Y ㄗ | U ㄧ | I ㄛ | O ㄟ | P ㄣ | |||||
A ㄇ | S ㄋ | D ㄎ | F ㄑ | G ㄕ | H ㄘ | J ㄨ | K ㄜ | L ㄠ | ; ㄤ | |||||
Z ㄈ | X ㄌ | C ㄏ | V ㄒ | B ㄖ | N ㄙ | M ㄩ | , ㄝ | . ㄡ | / ㄥ | |||||
Bopomofo characters were created by 章太炎 at the start, taken mainly from 楷書 forms of ancient Chinese characters. The Bopomofo is the predominant phonetic system in teaching, reading and writing in elementary school in Taiwan. In elementary school, particularly in the lower years, Chinese characters in textbooks are often annotated with Bopomofo as ruby characters as an aid to learning. Consisting of 37 characters and five tone marks, it transcribes all possible sounds in Mandarin.
ㄅ | ㄉ | ㄍ | ㄐ | ㄓ | ㄗ | ||||||
ㄆ | ㄊ | ㄎ | ㄑ | ㄔ | ㄘ | ||||||
ㄇ | ㄋ | ㄏ | ㄒ | ㄕ | ㄙ | ||||||
ㄈ | ㄌ | ㄖ |
ㄧ | |
ㄨ | |
ㄩ |
ㄚ | ㄞ | ㄢ | ㄦ | ||||
ㄛ | ㄟ | ㄣ | |||||
ㄜ | ㄠ | ㄤ | |||||
ㄝ | ㄡ | ㄥ |
Chinese characters can be written horizontally or vertically. Where a text is written in horizontal format, pages are read in the same order as English books, with the binding at the left and pages progressing to the right. Vertical books are printed the other way round, with the binding at the right, and pages progressing to the left.
- Bopomofo - Wikipedia
- The Phonetic Symbols of Mandarin Chinese - Taiwan
- Learning Program for Stroke Order of Chinese Character - Taiwan